Vollständiges Werk | Preis* |
The Refusal to Disclose Trade Secrets as an Abuse of Market Dominance – Microsoft and Beyond Gintaré Surblyté |
78.75 |
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Kapitel | Preis*
Foreword, Table of Contents, List of statutory instruments, List of cases, Bibliography, Abbreviations, Introduction | 6.60 |
Part One: Trade Secrets – The "Achilles heel" in Microsoft | 6.60 |
0.1 Microsoft case
| |
0.1.1 "Super-Dominance"
0.1.2 Markets with Network Effects and Standards 0.1.3 Interoperability 0.1.4 Interface Information | |
0.2 The "Achilles Heel" in Microsoft
| |
Chapter One: Trade Secrets | 6.60 |
1. International Protection of Trade Secrets
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1.1 Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization
1.2 TRIPS | |
2. Trade Secret Protection in the U.S.
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2.1 Definition of a Trade Secret
2.2 Nature of Trade Secrecy Protection | |
3. Europe
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3.1 European Union
3.2 National Provisions in the Selected European Countries | |
4. Intermediate Conclusion
| |
Chapter Two: Duty to Disclose Trade Secrets: Opening the Pandora's box? | 6.60 |
1. Trade Secrets and IPRs: "All are equal. But some are more equal than the others?"
2. The Application of Competition Law Provisions to Trade Secrets | |
Part Two: Refusal to Disclose Trade Secrets | 6.60 |
Chapter Three: A Duty to Disclose Trade Secrets compared to a Compulsory Licensing | 6.60 |
1. Refusal to License: not a per se Abuse of Market Dominance (Volvo)
2. "Exceptional circumstances" test: Does One Size Fit All? | |
2.1 Magill
2.2 IMS Health 2.3 Microsoft | |
3. Intermediate Conclusion
| |
Part Three: Competition and Competition Law in the "New" and the "Newest" Economy | 6.60 |
Chapter Four: Competition in the Markets of the "New" Economy | 6.60 |
1. Competitive Process in Schumpeterian Markets
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1.1 De facto Standards and Network Effects
1.2 Schumpeterian Competition in Dynamic Markets | |
2. Schumpeterian Markets and the Theory of Contestability
| |
Chapter Five: Article 102 TFEU in the Light of Trade Secrets and Dynamic Competition | 6.60 |
1. Trade Secrets and the Goals of the European Competition Law in Schumpeterian Markets
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1.1 Dynamic Competition
1.2 Allocative Efficiency 1.3 Consumer Welfare 1.4 The Protection of the Dynamic Competitive Process as the Goal of Competition Law | |
2. Trade Secrets and the Application of Article 102 TFEU in Dynamic Markets
| |
2.1 Dominance in Schumpeterian Markets
2.2 Abuse | |
Chapter Six: Contestable Schumpeterian Markets | 6.60 |
1. Trade Secrets as Barriers to Access de facto Standards
2. Market-oriented Test for Maintaining Dynamic Competition in Schumpeterian Markets | |
2.1 A standard technology covered by a trade secret as an indispensable input
2.2 Market foreclosure leading to the elimination of competitive pressure (consequence: the prejudice to consumers due to the reduction of technological advancement (Article 102(b) TFEU)) 2.3 Objective justification | |
Conclusions, Zusammenfassung | 6.60 |
Appendix 1, Appendix 2, Appendix 3, Appendix 4, Appendix 5, Appendix 6 | 6.60 |
* Preise (exkl. 8% MwSt.). |